Thursday, January 13, 2005

bloggin again

Well alright, I'm gonna write again, but as my brain's just stuck in English I won't write any German 2nite :P
Maybe some of you'll still get the story bout my first (not-)surfin lesson - thought of chicken out in the last moment and went down 2 the beach without wetsuit but wearing my jeans, unfortunately slipped on a stone in that little creek and fell into the river *lol - if i was just wearing my wetsuit! *hmmmz I did later on anyway and also went 4 a dip together with nelly when zoe was surfin, and that was quite cool, but finally a bloody nose kept me of a board that day. I might give it a go another day, well, I definitely have to, and Aaron's gonna coach me as well, so I'll be fine (hopefully). I just need to overcome my fears, .... then it's gonna be fun :D

fun... good point =)
Had a good day yesterday @hotti, went 2 a barbi @ the boys' after cruisin to hahei with Aesa, what was good fun as well. Went to another funcruise later on (after working, oehm, on getting tanned ;)) and tried to get people (esp. jafas) wet by throwin waterbombs and stuff *bg* Hung out later on, but still - these guys @ hotti are just heaps of fun, and I really enjoy myself being around.

I also enjoy spending some time with my little girls down at the beach, they just forced me (or actually got forced) to have a swim and paddle practise which was quite nice though.
>>Coromandel's just like a big playground<< ~true~ and I just love it over here =)


At 13 January 2005 at 5:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Rebecca,
für mich wäre es besser, wenn du das nächste Mal wieder in deutsch schreibst. Die Übersetzung fällt mir nicht leicht. Gruß. Mama


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